Rabu, 26 November 2008


Far there had something that was waiting. she was impatient in waiting I came.
if her eyelids shone then significant that will become the very good matter. she was a big girl. she had straight hair. And one matter more she was always angry with me everytime and anywhereeee
But when she began to be sullen the world will then wobble.
Feel like had an aircraft that fell.
but she is the best hahaha

Selasa, 11 November 2008

dunia ini sungguh keras teman


Enyah kau dari hadapanku

Enyah kau dari bayangan semu ini

Enyah kau agar aku bisa bebas berdiri dan berlari

Enyah kau dari segala seluk beluk romantika klise yang bau ini

Enyah sudah kau dari kaharumanmu yang tidak tertandingi inii

Enyah kau dari kami yang sudah kehabisan akal untuk mengatasimu

by : kami

jika anda tidak mengerti mengenai puisi ini silahkan bertanya kepada kamii !! WAJIB

Selasa, 04 November 2008


35mm 2 lens Action Film Camera
Two Two Camera White/Red

Type : 35mm without flash
lens : Optical lens, f/8 28mm
shutter : Leaf shutter, speed 1/100sec
film to be used : 35mm color or black/white
dimensions : 95x63x33mm
weight : 90g

Price : RP 475.000

Robot Style 3 Lens Lomo Camera

Type : 35 type without flash
Lens: Optical lens, 28mm f8
Shutter : Leaf shutter, speed 1/100sec
Film to be used : 35mm format color or black & white film
Viewer Finder : Eye level finder
Focusing : Free
Dimensions : 95x63x33mm
Weight : 90g

Price : RP 475.000

Sunny Fruit Juice-35mm Film Hand Operated Lomo Camera

Lens: 27mm F9.5
Shutter speed : 1/100sec
Film to be used : 35mm film (color, B/W, slide film)
Focus distance : 1m ~ infinity
Dimensions : 33.6x63.5x99.8mm
Weight : 75.5g

Price : RP 625.000

Holga Fisheye Lens for Holga 135-135BC Lomo Film Camera

Brand New, unopened with box
-This is the latest product by the Holga factory
-This FISHEYE LENS is suit for Holga 135 camera such as Holga 135, Holga 135BC
-It comes with an unopened packing box, user manual, a black bag for fisheye lens, one front cover and one back cover

Price : RP 775.000

Holga 120GCFN Camera (6x6 insert included)

120CFN works the same as 120FN except 120CFN has a colorflash (white, red, yellow, and blue).
It functions like the colorflash for LC-As-now you can create crazy moody pictures with Holga!

Differences beetwen the old S series and the new N series :

-Both 4.5x6 and 6x6 inserts (square format) are included in this new set (old 120S doesn't included 6x6).
-A revolutionary "B-button" is added to the N series. You can keep the exposure (in a dark situation-night time or indoor) as long as you wish; it gives the picture a sense of motion. The Holga is now sort of a pinhole camera. Detailed instruction is in the menu.
-A screw hole is added for tripods.

Format : Medium takes 120 Film, Image Size 6.45x6cm and 6x6cm, Construction : Glass, Lens : 60mm/8 plastic, Shutter : 1/100 sec approx, Aperture : f/8 or f/11, Depth of field : 3 ft to inf., Weight : 4 oz.

Color : Black / white / blue / yellow / pink / violet / multicolor (blue-yellow, red-white)

Price : RP 775.000

35mm Lomo Color-Flash Holga k200N Fisheye camera set

*Package include : Holga k200N, Fisheye lens, Strap, English manual

Filn size : 135 ISO 100-400
Focusing : Fixed focus
Focus range : 1m ~ infinity
Lens : f/8 35mm optical lens (made in Japan)
Shutter Speed : 1/100
Power Source : one AA size 1.5V alkaline battery
Dimension : 132x75x50mm

Price : RP 825.000

Lomo 27mm Lens Panorama Film Camera With Flash

Smurf (red-blue)
Shrek (green-yellow)
Nero (red-black)

Price : RP 625.000

Can Cola 35mm Film Camera

Film : 35mm Film (color, B/W, slide film)
Lens : 35mm F10
Shutter Speed : 1/100sec
Focus Distance : 1.2m ~ infinity
Size : 66x123mm
Weight : 163g

Price : RP 625.000

NEW Jelly squeezable body 35mm Film Toy Camera

Film : 35mm fil (color, B/W, slide)
Lens : 35mm/f9, plastic lens
Focus : 1m ~ infinity
Weight : 119g
Shutter Speed : 1/120sec ~ 1/110sec
Size : 122.3(W)x89(H)x44.2(D)mm

Price : RP 625.000

FOR MORE INFO,CONTACT : 085691842477,08561689881

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008


jadiii begini yee ada tempat tu namanya bojongkrikit, menurut cerita disanaaa tuhh banyak bgt setan2nya " katanya sih begitu " . pada melem hari tepatnya jam 11.30 ada 4 biji pemuda ( yang berarti dua orang ) iseng2 mau masuk ke bojongkrikit ituuu.,,, o iyaa bojong krikit itutuh bukan desa loh tapi kaya bangunan tua gt dah pokonya..

mereka berdua emang hobby bgt nyari tempat2 begituan, katanya sih mau ngumpulin foto2nya gitu bwt anak cucu mereka. " yaaa tapi emang ada yang mau apa ya jadi anak merekaa, lo liat aja namanya " kambing gw aja ga sejelek itu namanya

sebelumnya jujing ama si bolay si dua pemuda tadi ( nah keren kan nammanya aha) emang udah ngerencanain sebelumnya untuk masuk ke tempat ituuu,,,

jujing : eh lay gimana rencana kita niih ? jadi ikut kan lo ?

bolay : tenaaaaang aje jing, ama gue mah selow ajee.

jujing : ah bacrit loo awas aje lo kalo ngomong doaaaang gw sumpel mulutlo ama tai kebo gua

bolay : yaelah msh keram aja lo begaul ama guaaa hha ( sadis gaul bgt ni anak jaman sekarang )

jujing : okeee deh pren gaul bgt lo kaya do** ,( nama disamarkan yaa )...

bolay : ih ogah bgt guaaaa hhaahahhaahah

hari berikutnya .............
jam 11.20 pm

"woy lay lo duluan yak yang msk ke ni rumah takkut juga gw lama2" kata jujing. ahh buseeeet hari gini msh aja takut ama sodaranya bendo dan delta dan suryo ( soulmate ) hahaha .
5 menit kemudian mereka berhasil masuuuuk ke dalam tu rumah,,,, di dalemnya mereka sama sekali nggak nemuin tuh setan setan. padahal si bolay udah bawa kamera lomo yang holga multicolour hahahaha.

yaaa walupun dia ga nemiun tuu para makluk, mereka nyoba2 foto sudut sudut dari bangunan itu yang mnurut mereka serem, katanya sih lumayan barangkali aja dapet foto ga sengajaa gituuu.

setelah dilihat lihat lagi besoknya. ternyata mereka banyak menemukan foto2 yang gaib dari rumah itu, mereka berdua ga percaya sama sekali karena selama ini mereka tdk pernah melihat setan setan yang seperti ini.

berikut diantara hasil foto foto merekaa

wawwwww seram sekaliii hahahaahaha

mohon maaf untuk tidak menjiplak foto foto ini. karena hak ciptanya dilindungi oleh kebun binatang hehehehehhe

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

judul pertama dan mungkin terakhir


first i wnt to say many thankiieee to childish girl her name is aboooon. karena telah membuat blog ini yang sangat kereeeeeen abesssszz gilaaa dah pkonyaaa, perfect daaaaah. hahaha lebay abis kaya "ndo_zz@hotmail.com". add tuh sekalian laaah
kasian blm punya temen diee.

saking baiknya dia dengan suka rela menghapus blognya yang judulnya " world today ", dilarang nyebut.. padahal kan udah byk bgt postingannya . gileee abon baik banget sumpah dah ga nahaaan abis daaaaaah.

gw tau booon gw kereeen tapi gausah segitunya dong make buatin gua blok segalaaa hahah padahal tdnya gw bilang gausah dibuatin booon" eh dia malah maksa gitu buat bikinin blog guaaaaa, haduuuuh emg dah lo bon. sepiiiiiik

nah ni dia orangnyaaa. gaenak bgt yaaaaa hahahahaha becandaaaa bon. terlihat kan posturnya yang kecil dan tidak sedap hehe

udah ah gasempet bgt si nulis ginian capek ah ehe
bwt abon selow aja yaaa